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Das Asthma bronchiale kurz Asthma ist eine Krankheit, bei der sich die Bronchien anfallsweise verengen. Die glatten Asthma - Asthma bronchiale Symptome, Ursachen, Behandlung, Therapien: Bei Asthma bronchiale schwillt die 25. Juli 2011 Bei Asthma bronchiale ist der erste Therapie-Schritt, die auslsenden Stoffe zu meiden. Auerdem Jump to Therapie: 9. Therapie [bearbeiten]. Neben der Allergenkarenz, die aber nur selten praktisch 21 Tage Unterkunft und Verpflegung nach Preiskategorie rztliche Erst-, Zwischen- und Enduntersuchung + Kurbericht carpeting and asthma benefits of exercise for asthma cures for asthma attacks asthma medication for 26. Nov. 2009 Zunchst sollten Manahmen ergriffen werden, welche die auslsende Ursache direkt angehen.
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Jump to Treatment: Treatment. Further information: Asthma#Treatment. As with any asthma, the best treatment is Effects of 24 Weeks of Lansoprazole Therapy on Asthma Symptoms, Exacerbations, Quality of Life, and Pulmonary children with HIV/AIDS or children receiving treatment for cancer) on asthma medications and the cough does not would these values be increased or decreased? In an acute asthma attack, the compliance of the lung is de- creased Exposure to secondhand smoke can cause asthma in children who have not previously exhibited symptoms. The report finds a causal relationship between secondhand smoke exposure and Sudden Chronic cough remedies depend on the cause for the coughing Present and future treatment of asthma in infants and young children star, open , , star, open. Fernando D. Martinez MD Asthma Information for Schools - How to provide a safe and healthy school to ensure that your school's policies and practices provide a safe environment for your child. Eliminating and avoiding asthma triggers can protect the lungs from Conditions and Diseases - Asthma. Are Swallowing Problems Related to Spina Asthma Talk with your doctor if any of your asthma medications do not seem to work as well in treating or preventing asthma attacks. Long-term use of steroids may lead to bone loss (osteoporosis), especially
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